This is Christ's Church. There is a place for you here.
This is Christ's Church.  There is a place for you here.

The mission of Education Ministries at Holy Trinity is to enter into partnership with families as they develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and fulfill their baptismal promises. We offer opportunities for Faith Formation and Bible Study for all ages.

Sunday Mornings

after Worship

It is a time when our whole church family comes together to help each other “teach, reach, care, share.”



Fellowship of Faith

Sundays 11:00am - 12:00pm

All ages can connect and grow their faith by reading scripture together and sharing in community with one another.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation instruction is available for students in grades 6-8. Contact the church office for more details.


Men's Bible Study

Meets on the every other Tuesday night at 6:30 pm in the Prayer Parlor and on Zoom 

Zoom Meeting ID: 221 242 478   Password: 39020

Check the Men's Ministry page for more information.


Women’s Bible Study

Meets every other Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in the Prayer Parlor.

Check the church calendar or contact Michelle Spunar for more information. 

Contact Us:

39020 5 Mile Rd

Livonia, Michigan 48154

Phone:  734.464.0211 734.464.0211

Or use our contact form.


Access our member information center here.

YouTube Live 

Join Us for Worship!


Sunday Mornings

10:00 am

in the worship space 

and on YouTube Live.

Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.


Click here for our Facebook Page

Click here for our Youtube Channel

All are welcome!

Spread the word and raise awareness about what we do. The best way to do it is through social networking!

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