This is Christ's Church. There is a place for you here.
This is Christ's Church.  There is a place for you here.

Worship with us Sundays at 10:00 am

In our worship space 


Live-streamed on YouTube


Holy Trinity is a welcoming community and acustomed to having visitors. We want you to come as you are and be comfortable worshiping with us.

We worship God by hearing readings from the Bible, receiving a message that applies the Bible to our daily lives, sharing Holy Communion and joining together in singing and prayers. The worship service is approximately one hour in length.

Holy communion is served every week. All baptized are welcome to receive holy communion. Alternatively, you can choose to come forward for a blessing only. You might also choose to abstain and remain seated during this time. 


After worship, you are invited to join us for coffee, treats and coversation in the Fellowship Hall. 


How to find us

Holy Trinity is located at 39020 Five Mile Road in Livonia, Michigan, just east of I-275. We are convenient to the Livonia, Northville, Plymouth and Canton communities.


The main, stair-free entrance is found at the rear of the building, adjacent to the parking lot. Look for the cross and welcome signs. Parking is plentiful in our lot located behind the


​An alternative worship experience, Dinner Church, is offered once a month on Sundays at 5 pm.

Dinner church is centered around a meal in a relaxed environment. It includes music, fellowship, readings from the bible, a message, holy communion and prayers. See our calendar for the next date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect when I enter the building?

An usher will greet you at the door and help direct you as needed. The usher will also hand you a worship bulletin for the day, giving you all the details of the service. This information will also be displayed on a large screen at the front of the worship space. Coat racks are available for you to hang your coats. 


There are signs to help locate the worship space, restrooms, etc. You can also ask anyone to help direct you.


What should I wear?

Holy Trinity does not have a dress code. You will see a wide variety of clothing choices at Holy Trinity with most people dressing casually and for comfort. 


Is Holy Trinity handicap accessible?

Holy Trinity is on one level with and accessible to varying physical needs. Hearing devices are available for worship services - just ask an usher!

What is the music like?

Music is an important expression of our praise to God. We include a wide range of music styles, with both organ and piano. Our choir, handbell ensemble and soloists help lead us in modern and classical anthems


Will I be asked to stand & introduce myself?

Holy Trinity is accustomed to having visitors join us for worship. No visitor will be asked to stand and introduce themselves.  We would like you to fill out a Communication Card as a way for us to connect with you. Communication Cards can be found in the back of the pew and handed to an usher when you exit. We promise that we will not badger you with phone calls or unwanted emails, Prayer requests can be listed on the Communication Card.


Do I have to give money?

No. You will see an offering plate at the back of the worship space. Regular attendees support the church financially and see doing so as an act of worship and giving back to God. If you are visiting, please notice your blessings and give thanks to God. If you do want to give an offering, envelopes can be found in the back of the pews. If you have any questions about Holy Trinity, please call the Church Office at 734-464-0211.


Children are welcome

What do I do with my children during the worship service?

Holy Trinity welcomes children of all ages in our worship services. Our Prayground, located in the worship space, is an area where people of all ages can engage in worship in a hands-on-way. It is not just a space for children, although children are usually the first to explore this area.

Do you have Sunday School?

Children are invited forward for a special message during the worship service, before the sermon portion of the service. After this message, children are dismissed to JAM (Jesus and Me) with a leader. During this time, children will hear a Bible story and do an activity or craft. They will also be given a snack. Children return to worship space with the JAM leader just before holy communion. 

Contact Information

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

39020 Five Mile Road

Livonia, MI  48154

Phone: 734.464.0211


Church Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.


We are on:  

Instagram @htlclivonia


YouTube @HolyTrinityLutheranChurch

Join Us for Worship


Sunday Mornings

10:00 am

in the worship space 

and on YouTube Live.

Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

All are welcome!

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© Holy Trinity Lutheran Church